Yesterday, I spoke on how a lot of us are not working to our full capacity. Many of us are not practicing magic, in much the same way that our ancestors did. We are not doing this because we are either unaware or afraid of the spirit possession. In this video, I am going to explain to you what the spirit possession is to make your magic 3x stronger.
The spirit possession in the simplest terms is known as the I AM PRESENCE. It’s the highest aspects of self. When you’re able to tap into the I AM PRESENCE, you’re able to transform from being a mere human being, to a God. A lot of religious text refer to this process when they talk about the Buddha, or Jesus Christ, or Krishna, performing miracles. Jesus could bring people back from the dead. The Buddha could cure sick children, and Krishna could restore eyesight. Even biblical prophets such as Moses was able to part the red sea. They were able to do all of this because they were enlightened. They were able to tap into the I AM PRESENCE.
In my other video, Love Spell Not Working, Try This Simple Love Spell Hack, I talk about how the Universe works. In that video, I talked about how everything that we desire is already created. Everything already exists. Our dreams are being played out like films and movies, and all we have to do is change the dial of our consciousness to be able to live in that parallel world or reality. A lot of magicians call this, tapping into a current. In this video, I explained that there are billions upon billions of possibilities. This is why you need power, or workers to help you sift through the channels to find the one that is right for you. A lot of witches and sorcerers have armies of angels and demons who are able to help them with this process.
However, the biggest problem that we have is that a lot of people aren’t enlightened. This means that people don’t have access to all of nature’s resources. Let’s go back down memory lane with the television first came out. It was a bubble TV with a bulging twist knob. No one had cable, so people had to us antennas in the shape of rabbits’ ears. So basically, you had twelve channels, but maybe three or four came in clearly. This is the level of consciousness that most people are on. There are infinite possibilities all being broadcast on these different channels. However, most of us only have access to twelve, with only three coming in clearly.
This is the reason why magic and miracles seem so foreign to us. We read about how some of the greatest religious leaders and Gods created magic in ancient text. However, we don’t truly believe that we can create that same magic for ourselves. Why? We don’t believe because we’re not enlightened. We are not allowing ourselves to open up and have access to all these channels. We can start by simply shifting our consciousness and making a daily effort to tap into the I AM PRESENCE.
How do you do this? You began to work with Mother Light. Who is Mother Light? She is Yemaya in Yoruba. She is known as Maya in Buddhism, the Virgin Mary in Christianity and Devaki in Hinduism. She represents all of creation and the oneness that we all share as human beings. When you start to open yourself up, you will begin to access all of these parallel worlds and realities. Here’s how:
You can do this by simply starting a daily practice preferably early in the morning when the sun is rising, or later at night when the sun is setting.
You can start by making your offerings to Yemaya. Her day is Saturday. She enjoys white or blue flowers, white or blue candles and seashells.
Then relax, focus on tapping into the I AM PRESENCE. You can even say this softly to yourself as you begin your meditation.
Focus on a beam of white light. The white light should get stronger and stronger with more focus and more concentration.
Once you’re finished, you can go to your altar and start to write out your intentions such as, “I want to meet the man of my dreams, I want to be able to manifest a new job, etc.
Lastly, thank Yemaya as if your wish has already been granted.
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