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Here’s six crystals for protection from psychic attacks and energy vampires


Psychic attacks are not just making your tired and irritable. They’re making you fat, sick, and causing you to go into debt. Learn how to protect yourself from these attacks, using the following stones.


When people think about protecting themselves from psychic attacks, or evil spirits, they think about all the Hollywood movies that they’ve seen. In these movies, people are being violently attacked by ghouls, ghost, or evil or demonic entities from another realm or universe. However, psychic attacks don’t really work that way. They are much subtler and a lot more pervasive than what Hollywood portrays in their movies. In fact, a psychic attack can make you sick, control your mind, and even worse, cause you to go crazy. So, in this video, I am going to explain to you how psychic attacks work (all superstitions aside) and how you can protect yourself from these malignant energies.

Crystals for protection against spirits


The first thing that we need to understand is that our ancestors believed that everything was alive, including our thoughts. They believed that thoughts were spirits, and when someone was thinking negatively about someone else, they were sending them bad spirits, or they were cursing them with black magic or witchcraft.

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Crystals used for spiritual protection


Now, I explained to you in my other articles, how to do a psychic love spell that will work almost instantly, that we are all interconnected, and we not only share energy through this world wide web of networks called the force-field, we also share thoughts. Those thoughts are distilled and yes stored in the collective consciousness, and in the collective unconsciousness.


Crystals for protection against negative entities


In dummy terms, you are a victim of a psychic attack when certain thoughts and emotions are downloaded or implanted into your mind. I know now, there are probably some naysayers rolling their eyes and thinking, Yamaya Cruz, you’re full of it. There are millions even billions of negative thoughts floating around in the force field, or the collective unconsciousness. If we were susceptible to all of these thoughts, then we all would be crazy.


Psychic vampires and how to deal with them


Yes, that is true. However, psychic attacks work a little differently than just a plan ole negative thought. They are much more pervasive and can cause a great deal of harm. The best way to think about a psychic attack, is to think about a stalker. Just think about that crazy person who stands on your porch when you come home. Or the creepy person who watches you in your back yard. These people are relentless, and will stop at nothing to get what they want.


Crystals for protection against negative energy


Just look at the Max Cody character from Cape Fear (played by a young Robert DiNiro). He goes off the deep end when he realizes that his attorney Sam Bowden (Played by Nick Nolte) withheld evidence during his trial. Max Cady is a violent sex offender and is plotting his revenge over his four-teen year prison sentence. When he is released, he dedicates his whole life to torturing and destroying Max Cady and his family. In fact, the only way Max Cody can be stopped is for Sam to work outside of the law. In the end, he gets rid of him, for good.


Crystals for protection against psychic attacks


What’s the moral of this story? The moral of this story is that we all have stalkers. We may not all have ex-cons trying to kill us. However, we constantly have advertisers, marketers, and politicians, and other people of influence trying to implant their own ideas into our minds. I know, it sounds crazy. But let me ask you something? Have you ever gone window shopping online? Maybe you were checking out a dress on Macy’s or looking at a pair of shoes on Zappos.


Crystals for protection against evil


Then, something weird happens. You log into your Facebook account and the shoes that you were eyeing are in your Facebook feed. Then, you go and watch a video, and before the video starts there is a commercial about Zappos. Then, you look at your phone and see that there is a text message from Zappos. They’re going to give you a twenty-percent discount only if you buy those shoes today. So, you give in. It doesn’t matter that you have twelve pairs of shoes, half of which you don’t even wear.


Crystals for protection against black magic


So how does all of this work? Well, advertisers and marketers use tracking systems. When you’re surfing the Internet, they put something that is known as cookies in your browser. From there, they’re able to track your movements, and thus place advertisements on different platforms. They will continue to use them until the cookie expires, or if you clean out your browser. However, during this time, they’re going to stalk to hell out of you to get you to buy something.


Crystals for protection from lucid nightmares


However, the idea of tracking and stalking works a little bit different in the metaphysical world, and in order to explain it, we are going to have to delve into a little bit of science. In my other article, how to break bad habits for good. I explained to you how the brain and in particularly how neurons work. Now, we understand that when we watch television, we are receiving subliminal messages. There are fast food restaurants telling us to eat that juicy cheeseburger, they are pharmaceutical companies telling us to take this pill, and there are loan shark lenders telling us to take out high interest loans.

                                                                                              Learn how to Lucid Dream and avoid nightmares



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Crystals for protection while sleeping

We dismiss all of these things and go off to sleep, not realizing that these commercials have put a tracker into our minds. Then, we wake up late. We’re late for work and skip breakfast, so then we decide to get the fattening cheeseburger that we saw on television the night before. Then, we’re feeling edgy, we decide to take that new pharmacist drug that was advertise on television. Then, we’re driving home and decide to stop by the Mall, we buy a dress that we really can’t afford, but then decide to apply for that usury loan to cover our cost.


Crystals for protection against energy vampires


So, what am I saying here? I am saying that psychic attacks are not about some witch, or black magician cursing you with witches’ brew and a voodoo doll. Psychic attacks come from marketers, advertisers, politicians, and even priest and priestesses, who are stalking you, implanting ideas in your head, and causing you to engage in behaviors that aren’t particularly good for you, but great for them.



Psychic vampires’ protection from energy and predators and parasites


These ideas are causing you to indulge in fast foods that’s making you sick, to spend money on credit, to take prescription pills that have more side-affects than benefits. These people are the psychic vampires because they’re implanting ideas in your head that benefits them, and not you. In a sense, they’re sucking the life out of you!


So, what can you do to stop this? Well you can begin to use crystals and magical stones. Here’s how:

Buy the following stones from the magical store or online.

Amethyst stone

is readily available and affordable. You can buy the stone online and also in magic stores. These stones are most ideal for protection against witchcraft, dark energies, black magic and the evil eye.



Back in the day, doctors would treat patients through a process known as bloodletting. This was there way of cleansing and purifying the body. However, this process left the patient very weak. Sadly, they didn’t know that bloodstones can be used to do the same thing, without the patient feeling week afterwards.


Black tourmaline:

Is a stone that is great for transmuting negative energies into positive energies.


Black Obsidian/Black Onyx:

Is another great stone that can be used to block negative influences and can also be used to defend yourself from psychic attacks.


Great stone for protection against injuries and can also be used to ward off harmful spirits. It is also good to block others from reading your thoughts and implanting thoughts.


Can be used to return negative energy back to sender


  1. Wash stones with salt-water
  2. Place them on your altar or in the sun to be activated.
  3. Go to Adobe photo and download a picture of the Merkaba
  4. Get the Merkaba printed out on sticking paper or labels. You can get this done through Vista print, Office Depot, or Canva
  5. Wrap the Merkaba stickers around the stones
  6. Write out your intentions on a piece of paper i.e. “I want to be able to protect myself from psychic attacks”.
  7. Put the paper, and stones wrapped in paper in a satin bag.
  8. Place the bag under your pillow to protect you at night.
  9. You can also make bags for your children as well.

The post Here’s six crystals for protection from psychic attacks and energy vampires appeared first on Clairvoyantmagic.com.

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