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How to manifest using magic symbols


Learn how magic symbols such as the Merkaba, the Star of David, and Voodoo Veves can magnify your power. Combine them with water, and expand your power even further!


We’ve all seen the ankh, the cross, and yes, The Star of David. We’ve all had those weird experiences such as Deja vu. We’ve also had the experience of thinking about someone, and within an instant they call. Is this all a matter of happenstance? Or is there an underlying driving force that is causing all of these things to happen? In this video, I am going to explain to you how certain phenomenon such as Deja-vu is not a coincidence, and how you can use magic symbols and sigils to manifest your dreams and desires, so stay tune.


Understanding real magic symbols


Now, the whole idea of symbols is really hard to explain. Firstly, you’re going to have to change your mind-set and adapt a new paradigm. In fact, I talk about this quite thoroughly in my other video, how to use Sacred Geometry for healing. In that video, I talk about how our universe is not linear. I also spoke of how we live in a multiverse, and that energy cannot be destroyed, and it cannot be created. What does this mean in dummy terms? It means that you don’t create a damn thing. Everything is already created!


Magic symbols and how to use them


How to manifest using sacred geometry?

I also mentioned before that we live in a binary universe. This means that a problem cannot exists without a solution. So how can we break this down further? Well, the best way to think about our universe, is to think about billions upon billions of channels. Each channel is featuring the life, or experience that you want to manifest. Now, manifesting is all the matter of sifting through those channels to find the one that you desire most. So now that we’ve laid down the foundation, we can begin to understand that many of the channels are similar. Just think about the channels on regular television.


Magic symbols for power


There used to be just HBO, and Stars, and Cinemax. Now, there’s HBO Family, HBO Women, HBO Black, HBO Latino, HBO Classics and so on. We can see this same concept with other things aside from television channels. For example, Oreo cookies has numerous flavors such as red velvet Oreo cookies, hot cinnamon, Oreo mint, banana split, and birthday cakes. So, what’s my point? My point is that when you have billions upon billions of possibilities, you’re going to have some channels that are very much alike, but with slightly different variations.

White magic symbols


What do I mean by that? Well, again, let’s get back to the television set. Now, we might want to watch a movie on HBO. However, HBO is on several different channels. HBO Black can be on channel 12, HBO Latin can be on channel 322, HBO Family can be on channel 15, and HBO Classics can be on channel 122. Now, we can either flip through the channels and try to find the channel that we want to watch. Or, we can just use a guide. And that’s where the magic symbols come into place. They act as guides, to help us see all of HBO’s channels. They also show us a guide as to when your favorite show is coming on. Now, how can we take this concept and apply it to manifesting and magic?

Voodoo Symbols and Veves


Let’s take a look at some of the African voodoo symbols. Many of these symbols are known as veves, and they’re drawn on the ground with chalk. For example, there is a veve for Ogun, for Erzulie, for Damballah, and of course Papa Legba. Now, these veves serves as guides. They tell you all the channels that belong to Ogun, all the channels that belong to Erzulie, all the channels that belong to Papa Legba, and yes, all the channels that belong to Damballah. So why is it important to tune into these channels? Well, when you tune into these channels, your maximizing your power.

Veves in Voodoo history


A good example of this was the Haitian Revolutionary War. Now, the Haitian Revolt was originally started by a Voodoo Priest. However, it was at this time that the French Revolution was getting underway. Also, there are other players in the United States that began to have visions of revolts. For example, Nat Turner had visions of revolting, Sojourner Truth of visions of freedom, and Harriet Tubman had visions to free slaves using the Underground Railroad. But here’s where it gets a little crazy. The Voodoo priest, who initiated the Haitian Revolution, was trying to get all the slave colonies to revolt at the same time.

Revolution and Voodoo Gods


Now, we all know that many of the African slaves were spread all throughout the Americas and in the Caribbean. However, with the help of magic symbols, in particularly veves–I am guessing that Voodoo Priest used the veve of Ogun, to reach out to people and compel them to take certain action. So how did he do this? Well, he used the veve to contact people from all over the Americas, and showed them visions. He enabled them to tune into those channels, and compelled them to take some form of action. However, it wasn’t just the black slaves in the America’s who were influenced by this energy, it was also the white poor feudal workers, who were oppressed in France.

Veves and the importance of Papa Legba


Now, the one thing about veves and of course magical symbols, is that they’re supposed to create a ripple effect throughout the force field. What does this mean? It means that the magic is supposed to get stronger and stronger and stronger, with each channel that it combs through. Just look at HBO. HBO was on the brink of extinction when DVD or VCR rental places such as Blockbusters and Netflix came out. Out of fear that these companies would put them out of business, HBO begin to diversify. They created HBO Go, HBO Now, HBO Black, HBO Latino, HBO Family, and HBO Classics. By doing this, their reach began to expand, and they came out more powerful than before. Why? Well, because they had something for everyone.

Goddess power and the importance of the Star of David


So, when you use magic symbols, you’re actually magnifying your power, you’re expanding your reach, and increasing your ability to reach out to people, to enter their dreams, to send them energy, and so forth. This is why we have things like Deja Vu, the times when you think something has happened before, or you’ve met someone before. This happens because you’re tuned into a channel with a slightly different variation from your current channel.


I’m always going to be transparent, I’ve never worked with veves. However, I do understand the concept of symbols and have used both the Merkaba and the Star of David. Here’s how you can use the Star of David as a magic symbol while manifesting.


  1. Print out the Star of David
  2. Draw a bath
  3. Optional bath potion
  4. Meditate using binaural beats, see article, best way to lucid dream using binaural beats.
  5. For example, if you want to manifest love, think loving thoughts, feel loving thoughts.
  6. Meditate for as long as you can
  7. Give thanks, and pretend that you already have it.
  8. Surrender, and trust that whatever the outcome, you’re going to be okay.


The post How to manifest using magic symbols appeared first on Clairvoyantmagic.com.

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