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Break bad habits for good, using this powerful self-hypnosis technique


We can’t break bad habits through will-power alone. Instead, we have to reprogram our minds, using this powerful self-hypnosis technique that I recommend in this video.



The New Year’s has come and gone. We’ve all made resolutions to try and lose weight, to eat better, exercise, quit smoking, and gossiping. Sadly, two weeks in, we regress back to our old habits. It’s hard to break bad habits because one, our bodies are programmed to engage in certain types of behaviors. Two, it’s difficult to break bad habits because we are constantly being triggered to engage in undesirable behavior. So, in this video, I am going to explain to you how habits work, how you can break them, and give you a self-hypnosis technique on how to break those bad habits for good. So, stay tuned.

Does self-hypnosis work


Self-hypnosis involves destroying your old self and creating a new self. What does that mean? Well, lifting your vibrations, is really learning how to program your body, like a computer or a machine. Just think about computer programing, they used the binary codes, 1,0. These two numbers actually translate into on and off.


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I always say that the physical world mirrors the spiritual world. So, what does this all mean in dummy terms? Well, it means that your body works very much like a computer system. But instead of you sorting through data and turning certain options on and other options off. You’re actually sorting through the millions of genes in your system, and turning certain genes, on and certain genes off. In fact, there is a common belief that we are all born with the same genes. Besides, our genes are not that different from a monkey, or chimpanzee. However, there are certain genes that we subconsciously turn on and turn off.  What’s that mean? It means that we all have fat genes, we all have skinny genes, we all have a predisposition to alcohol and drug addiction. However, it is our thoughts and vibrations that turn these genes on and off.


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The concept of programing our body, much like a computer is known as epigenetics. Epigenetics is a scientific concept that postulates that your thoughts not only create your belief system, but also shapes and molds your physical body and mind as well. Now, the concept of epigenetics gets very technical. However, the only thing that you need to understand that is have a set number of genes, and each gene has up to thirty-five thousand different variations. I know, it sounds complicated. But let me break this down to you a little further.


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Just think about the Movie Split. In the movie Split, poor Kevin Wendell Crumb is conflicted and battling over 23 different personalities. Now, there are some good personalities and there are some bad personalities. However, all the personalities are afraid of the 24th personality, who is set to materialize and dominate over the others. So, let’s take a look at the different personalities.


There is Barry, Barry is metro-sexual with a fashion flair, he loves art and is working hard to keep the Beast under wrap.


Then, there is Jade. Jade is female, soft-spoken and is often seen wearing a pink hoodie. She is diabetic and is on insulin.


Then, there is Orwell, he wears the collared shirt, and green woolen pullover. Orwell is the scholar and master of Asian history.


Then, there is Dennis. Dennis the borderline psycho path, and potential pervert.

He is instrumental in the kidnapping in the girls, and works hard to fight his desires to rape them.


Then, there is my favorite, Hedwig. He is the adorable nine-year old, who wants to help the girls, but he is afraid of the more dominate personalities in the group.


There, is the middle class older woman, named Patricia. She is often seen wearing smug turtle necks and long wool skirts.


And lastly, there is the beast. The beast is shirt-less, walks around bare-foot, has fangs, and super human strength. He crawls up walls, can withstand bullets, eat human flesh, and will devour or destroy anyone who has not experienced what he calls true suffering.


Kevin’s body chemistry changes with each personality that takes over his body. So, what does all of this have to do with breaking a bad habit? Well, your genes are very much like Kevin Wendell Crumb’s 24 personalities. Only your genes unlike Kevin’s have thirty-five thousand different variations. And much like Kevin, you have dominate genes, much like he had dominate personalities, that were working hard to keep the evil genes under rap. However, the evil genes just like Kevin’s other personality are teaming up to become The Beast, because the Beast is the only personality strong enough to mutiny against the others.

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So how does the theme of split personalities apply to real life? Well, let’s just say that you have an addiction to chocolate cake. You love chocolate cake, but whenever you eat it, your body turns on your fat genes and instantly gain weight. So, you tell yourself that you’re not going to eat any more cake. However, the more you resist, the stronger the temptation gets. Why?


This happens because the genes are brawling, banging heads, the evil genes that want you to eat the cake, and experience that jolt of pleasure, are persistent because they’ve won so many times in the past. They know that if they keep at it, then eventually they’re going to win, again. As a result of this, the good genes that are trying to resist the temptation, give up. In the end, you send the signal to your body, the evil cake eating genes are activated. And then, you don’t just eat one slice of cake, you eat the whole damn thing. The Beast in you has arisen.


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More importantly, those evil genes are going to start teaming up with other genes, to not only create a mutiny, but also create triggers in your external environment. If you’re trying not to drink, you’re going to flip through commercials that are advertising alcohol. If you’re trying to lose weight, you’re going to drive passed a half-dozen food signs. If you’re trying to stay faithful, you’re going to be tempted by the sexy woman at the receptionist desk.

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How to stop a bad habit permanently


What does this mean in dummy terms? It means that subconsciously, you’re going to manifest the desires or the addictions that you’re trying to avoid. Dr. Joe Dispenza believes that it is so hard for us to break a habit, simply because we are using five percent of our conscious mind to fight ninety-five percent of our unconscious body. It is hard to break habits and thus rebuild the body and mind, because all of those genes are turned on and activated. And as long as they’re turned on, they’re going to express the behavior that you’re trying to resist or repress. Programing, and subliminal messaging from advertisers and marketers are going to make it virtually impossible to break a habit. This is why you shouldn’t focus on breaking a habit. Rather, you should focus on creating a new identity.


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So, the simple answer to this solution, would be for you to go back and turn off these bad genes. After all, they’re like light switches that you can turn on and off. However, it is not that easy. You see these genes have been expressing themselves for a long period of time, and they ain’t going to go away peacefully. They’ve grown roots, they’re nested, and they ain’t trying to go nowhere. Now, when I say that they’ve grown roots, they’ve literally grown roots in your mind.


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Those roots are called neurons, and neurons look like teeny tiny trees with branches that expand and create networks. What does this mean? It means that every time you eat a piece of chocolate cake, your body releases certain types of chemical hormones in the blood stream. Those chemical hormones  create a thought a feeling or euphoria or ecstasy. So, eating cakes creates a connection between the action, thought, and emotion. So, when you’re sad, your body remembers how good you felt when you ate cake. Then, your body is going to respond by craving the cake. So, the only way to really begin to break this habit is to rewire the brain, a process that is known as neuroplasticity.


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Don’t worry, it’s not as difficult as it may seem. Neuroplasticity is simply a process of rewiring the brain and changing those networks. Now, this process works best, when you begin to program your genes to express behaviors that are new and fresh. What’s this mean? It means that you shouldn’t fight against the temptation. Instead, try to replace it with something else. Me, I am working hard to cut out junk food. So, instead of eating cereal, or bagels, I create a smoothie. I love smoothies, just as much as I love junk food.


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I also try and visualize myself when I was younger and leaner. I used to be a health and fitness nut, and I am working hard to get back there (little by little). Each day, I am working hard to turn on my fitness genes. The genes that loved exercise, and yes sweat. The best way to break a habit is not put pressure on yourself. Rather, you should make a daily habit of visualizing the person you want to be. By doing this, you’re programming your mind, turning those bad genes off, and those good genes on. When you do this, people can slide a cake right in front of you, and you won’t have any desire to eat it. I know, it’s hard, but over time, our minds are capable of achieving basically anything.

The post Break bad habits for good, using this powerful self-hypnosis technique appeared first on Clairvoyantmagic.com.

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