If you were to ask me this question about a decade ago, I probably would have given you some New Age Bullshit, blanket answer. I would have said something like spirituality is about love, while religion is about control and manipulation. Or, I would have said that spirituality is a distillation of all the religions of the world. Or, I would have said something much more cornier, like spirituality is the destination and religion is the journey. Today, I am going to quote from the original spiritually incorrect mystic and tell you that both spirituality and religion, are all about power!
What is spirituality?
Spiritualist is the New Age, yuppie hoodoo worker. I am always amazed when some yuppie, living in Soho wants to school me on spirituality. They want to teach me about the law of attraction, manifesting, and the power of intention. They have no idea that my ancestors were cooking up Hoodoo spells in their kitchens, while their grandparents were hauled off to Sunday school. What’s my point? My point is that it is all the same shit. My ancestors called it Hoodoo and Voodoo, and now today, it’s called spirituality. Only now, they’ve incorporated Yoga, veganism, and vegetarianism into the mix.
What does spirituality mean?
Before we can define spirituality, we need to understand religion. First we need to understand that religion is a melting pot. I know, people are under the illusion that spirituality is the melting pot, but that’s not true. So how does this melting pot work? Well, just imagine this. Imagine people from all walks of life, coming together and putting their money into one huge pot. We know that a lot of immigrants come to America and pull their money together. Then, they each take turns withdrawing the money to buy a house or business. This same concept applies to religions.
Mystics have the spiritual belief that we all need power/energy to manifest prosperity, love and good health.
Now, people can’t all take money out at the same time, because then, the religion will go bankrupt. And the religion has to constantly ensure that they’re putting more and more money/energy into the pot. This will ensure that their religion will continue to grow.
This is also the reason why “religions” such as Scientology recruit movie stars and people with a mixture of power and influence. The more power/energy the better. A great deal of religions work much like a lottery. This means that an individual will have to “pray to pay.” What does this mean? It means that they’re going to have to keep putting that energy into the pot, and wait for a pay out. Some of these religions have billions upon billions of people. So it could take a while for people to get their energy. This is the reason why some people pray for years and years and not see any results. While, others can pray for two days, and receive results almost instantly. This is not a bad setup, so as long as you’re putting something into the pot, you’ll get something back. However, there is just one problem? You have greedy clergymen who are skimming off the top. So instead of a person, getting a 100 percent payout of energy, they might get 75% 50%, even 25% of their energy. This is perhaps the reason why a great deal of people throughout the world live in poverty. They simply aren’t getting enough power/energy to manifest their desires. Hell, the energy that they’re getting is not enough to cover their basic needs.
What it means to be spiritual and not religious?
Spiritual people don’t need to adhere to these rules, because they don’t belong to a particular religion. This allows them to pull energy from different sectors or clusters as needed. They can even pull energy from ancient religions. For example, many spiritualist works with energy systems such as the chakra system, many holistic healers work with Chinese healing modalities such as acupuncture, while others work Ayurveda herbs. However, there is one big problem. You got to know how to work with these energies. Not all energies are compatible with one another. Furthermore, you never know if you’re going to get enough energy from one energy source to get the job done. So being spiritual can produce inconsistent results. So what can a spiritualist do to remedy this problem. They need to take a page out of the Hoodoo worker’s book.
Our ancestors have been through this before.
They knew that they weren’t going to get enough energy from one religion to cast spells. So they had to figure out another way to incorporate other types of energies to make their magic work. So they incorporated Native American folk magic, Christianity, and they continued to pull energy from indigenous Western African religions such as Yoruba and Vodun. Through trial and error, they were able to create different variations that helped people heal. They created root work and magic that enabled our ancestors to heal. In fact, I don’t think that people of color would have survived without them.
The Spirituality definition of the future.
We have to learn how to work with these energies. This way, we won’t only be able to have the power to manifest our own desires, but other people’s desires as well. By mastering the mixtures of energies, we can send energy to the poorest parts of the world, where people, many of which are black, are poor and starving. The next step for the spiritualist is to use our power to free people from the new form of slavery, the institution of religion.
The post Difference between Spirituality and Religion: from a Hoodoo Worker’s Perspective. appeared first on Clairvoyantmagic.com.