Are you tired of spending hundreds of dollars on incense, perfumes, spiritual oils, and other magical supplies? You want to cast your own spells, but you simply don’t have access to the resources and supplies needed. So you try and order the supplies online, only to be disappointed when they don’t work, or they don’t look like how you hoped they would. You can put all of your worries to rest. In this article, I am going to explain how love spell perfumes work, and how you can whip up your own perfume with just a few simple ingredients.
Understanding healing oils and their essence.
A lot of people fail to understand the healing properties of plants and trees. I truly believe that almost every illness and ailment has a natural cure. In my other article, Is Voodoo Real, I talked about how African slaves survived in the Americas. People fail to understand how bad slavery was. Many of the slaves worked until they died from exhaustion, dehydration or sickness. For a long period of time, African slaves worshiped their native religions such as Vodun and Yoruba. They reached out to the ancestors who guided them and told them which plants to eat. They also told them which plants could be used for healing, and which plants can be used as poison. It was not only the African’s strong belief in the ancestors that guided them and helped them survived slavery. Mother Earth was guiding them as well.
Spiritual Oils and their uses.
I wrote an article about the Rainbow body. I wrote about how the most evolved beings in the world transform into these brightly colored beams of light. There are many beings that are said to have attained light body status such as, Jesus Christ, Krishna, Buddha, and the Yoruba prophet Orunmila. I wrote in my other article, How to get over a heartbreak, that we are all basically light bodies. This is why the ancient Egyptians and many other indigenous cultures worshipped Sun Gods. Sadly, as society progressed, we stopped worshipping the Sun, and started worshipping each other. This has created a dire dependence on people for genuine love and fulfillment. We’ve lost our connection to the Sun, and thus established a new connection with each other. This connection that we have to fellow man has caused many of us to be loved starved, because we can never get all the love that we need from men.
However, it is important to understand that some of the best prophets in religious history turned into light bodies. What does that mean? It means that they stopped trying to get light and love from their fellow human beings, and started putting their energy and focus into God. As a result, they became enlightened and their human bodies’ transformed into beautiful rainbow colored beams of light. So where am I getting at with all this? I am saying that plants have attained the rainbow body status. They are highly enlightened beings that are present all throughout the universe. They exist on virtually every planet, and are on every plane of existence and or dimension. Plants are here to guide us to spiritual ascension, for they not only hold many of the earth’s memories. They also hold the genuine essence that can cure almost any element or illness in the human body.
The truth about magical oils.
It is important to understand that plants and many animals are sacred for several reasons. One, the plants and animals are very old, and therefore hold many of the earths secrets and memories. Secondly, many plants have attained ascension status. They have become rainbow bodies, and thus have become very magical. So we eat the corpse of plants and animals to take in their essence. In turn, the plant and or animal helps raise our vibrations and guides us down the path of enlightenment. This is the reason why many indigenous cultures believed in animal sacrifices. They believed that they were consuming the corpse of a highly enlightened body, and thus taken in the essence of a highly evolved being. They would conduct rigorous rituals that would raise the animal’s vibrations, thus making him more magical. Lucky for us, many of these magical properties don’t only have to be used for consumption. They can also be used as perfumes to make our love spells stronger.
Aromatherapy and spell casting.
People who follow my blog and watch my videos understand that spell casting and manifesting can’t be done without power. This is why a great deal of pagans used herbs and plants to cast powerful love spells and create perfumes. These plants don’t only have healing properties, but also hold the essence of enlightenment and nature. Plants, from the leaf, to the root, to the bud, to the twig, can help increase the magic and or power of any love spell. Below, I have outlined a few of the best plants to use to create powerful love spell perfumes.
Sandalwood: a healing and attraction oil
Sandalwood is often used in Indian spiritual ceremonies and rituals. It is often referred to as a preferential fragrance for men. However, women have been known to dabble some of the oil on their neck and behind their ears. The aroma is incredibly erotic and can be used as a moisturizing and normalizing property.
Rose Oil: a healing and attraction oil
Roses are the ultimate language of love. In fact, roses should be a stable for anyone who wishes to practice magic. The rose is associated with the archetype goddess of love. The rose is also known to balance the hormones in the reproductive system. You can use rose oil in your baths. Or you can simply rub some rose oil on your wrist and chest to help open up the heart chakra. If you’re feeling down, or are suffering from a broken heart. You can make yourself feel a little better by inhaling some rose oil.
Ylang Ylang; is a healing and attraction oil.
Do you need help increasing your libido? Do you need someone to be sexually attracted to you? Ylang Ylang is a sweet smelling flowery perfume that can be used in your sex magic spells, and your attraction spells. Ylang Ylang can also be used if your relationship is becoming stale, or if it is badly in need of a sexual spark.
Jasmine Essential Oil: a healing and attraction oil
Can also be used for romance and attraction. Beware! Jasmine is a highly concentrated oil blend that shouldn’t be digested or inhaled. Rather, it is best to use Jasmine in conjunction with other oils such as: Ylang/Ylang, Rose, and Sandalwood, experiment with Jasmine as needed.
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