When my nephew was younger, he used to have an obsession with the hit television series, Avatar: The Last Airbender. I remember him imitating the characters. He would call out each element, water, earth, fire, air, as he performed sloppy roundhouse kicks and jerky mudras. I always had a hard time explaining to him what I did for a living. How do I explain African spirituality to a child? Then, one day, I just had the perfect response. I am an airbender, spiritual style.
Yes, I gave him information that he could run and tell all of his friends about. I think that I was on his list for having one of the coolest jobs ever. Maybe he could invite me in for show and tell? Perhaps he could introduce me to his teachers during career day? I’m sure that I would sound absolutely crazy introducing myself as an airbender. But I wanted to stick with it. I felt that it was important for my young nephew to understand the richness of our culture and the power of our ancestors.
You see, we spiritualist have been bending, twisting, and working with the elements since the beginning of time. We have become unbalanced over the years because much of the information needed for spiritual growth has been lost or hidden. We used to live according to the laws of spirit, where everything around us was bustling with life. We practiced “bending” openly, working with the elements of nature without judgments or fears. Now, there is a dark force that doesn’t want to adhere to the laws of nature and the spirit world. This dark force wishes to live by its own rules.
So now, many of us practice in private. However, there are a few brave souls (like myself). Who are encouraging people to tap into their hidden power. Our ancestors understood that it was incredibly important to learn about nature. For they knew that by understanding nature, they could create and manifest wonderful and beautiful things for themselves and others. They knew that four was the number of creation, and worked with the four elements to create balance and harmony throughout the world. These four elements include air, water, fire, and earth.
Many people are unhappy and suffer in life because there is a misalignment of these elements:
The first element is air. Air represents our intention. Everything in existence begins and ends with just one thought
The second element is water. It represents emotions that can be used for manifestation
The third element is earth. This element represents action. This is when your thoughts and emotions materialize into something real
The fourth element is fire. This element represents righteousness. This is a sense of deserving. And having a profound feeling of worthiness
These are the four elements of creation needed to have balance and to manifest. However, there is one element that can control all four. This element works much like the avatar, bringing peace to different nations. This element is pure consciousness. It could also be referred to as ashé, chi, or prana. This is when the mind is brought to a total and complete state of emptiness, of oneness. It is in this state, that you have the most clarity. In this state, you are able to turn the ideal into something real.