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How to use magic to manifest what you want in life?


So, I’ve been getting a lot of people who are asking me questions about magic. They want to know if a spell that I posted on YouTube will work. Or, they want to know if a ritual that they found on some forum will work for them. My response, yes the magic will work if you have the juice. Juice? Yes, juice, prana, ashé, chi, energy, whatever you want to call it. People are even more confused, because they believed that all they had to do was say a couple of words, light a few candles, and BOOM, everything is done. We all know that things aren’t quite that easy. So in this video, I am going to go over the manifesting process and give you some tips on how you can get the necessary power to manifest virtually all of your desires.


How to manifest something?


I’ve mentioned in my other article, How to become a great spell caster? That people are incredibly mechanical. They’re paint by numbers people. The school systems, along with corporate America has trained people to be like machines. Everything in life and in nature, can be broken down into parts and units. So that when people approach magic, they approach it with that same mindset. They want to break it down into steps: step one light this candle, step two, set-up your altar, step three, mix these herbs. So people are looking for instructions. They’re looking for guidelines, spells books, and rituals, because that’s how their minds have been trained. You’ve been conditioned to follow directions, because traditionally, following certain directions brings about certain results. Sadly, this framework doesn’t always apply to magic and manifesting.


How to manifest what you want quickly?


So, if you really want to learn magic, the first thing that you need to do is go through a process of un-conditioning your mind. You have to learn how to become less robotic, and more intuitive. Carlos Castaneda called this process, unlearning. This is very important, because your intuition is going to discern how quickly, and how effectively your magic will manifest. So what do I mean by this. Well, let me break this down to you in simpler terms. Your altar, is a portal that connects you to the spiritual or subtle world. The altar works very much like conceiving a child. A man ejaculates inside a woman during sexual intercourse. His sperm cells race to fertilize the egg. If there is no egg, then the sperm just dissipates and is absorbed by the body. If the egg is fertilized, then it grows into a baby.



How to manifest anything instantly?


Now, through the years we understand how to impregnate women. We understand that a woman has a twenty-eight-day menstrual cycle. We also understand that a man can impregnate a woman only when she’s ovulating, which is normally a week or so before her period. So we understand the nature of a women’s body, and thus we can then determine the best time for conception. Now, what people don’t understand, is that Mother Nature works exactly the same way. There are certain periods of time where Mother Nature is ovulating and certain times when she’s not. We’ve been able to figure out a woman’s menstrual cycle. However, the cycle of Mother Nature is a hundred times more complicated. So what do we have to do? We have to conduct our magic, when Mother Nature is ovulating. We have to conduct our magic when that portal is open. By doing this, we are going to be able to fertilize the egg, and thus start the manifesting process.


How to manifest with thoughts


So the first step in the magical process is to fertilize the egg. However, we have to have enough power to do that, and secondly, we need to be sure that the portal is open. We need to be sure that Mother Nature is ovulating. Then, once we make sure that we’ve conceived, then we have to make sure that the baby grows at a healthy and steady pace. I tell people that magic in the subtle world gets stronger and stronger overtime. Then, when it is ready, it will manifest itself into the physical world, much like a new baby being born. So your altar is your place of conception. It is a place where you sit, set your intentions, send them through the portal where they can manifest into something real.


How to manifest with desires?


The biggest barrier that people have when conducting magic, is that they don’t know when Mother Nature is ovulating. So, they ejaculate, and waste a lot of their own energy. They begin to waste energy without fertilizing an egg. So over time, they become weaker, and weaker, and weaker. And pretty soon they’re shooting blanks because all of their energy is depleted. This is why it is so important to work on your intuition. When you start to work on your intuition, Mother Nature is going to tap you on the shoulder and say, hey listen I am ovulating and ready for you. When She says this, you’re going to go to your altar and start doing your magic. Whenever you’re out of sync with Nature, you’re going to have to expend a lot of energy to get dismal results. But when you start to understand the cycles of Nature, and work with Nature, you will begin to tap into Her powers, and thus you will begin to manifest your desires almost effortlessly.


How to build your intuition?


You need to work on it, every day. Get into the habit of meditating. Go, walk outside, ride your bike, commune with Nature. She will begin to communicate with you, entrust you with Her secrets. As a result of this, you’ll be a better herbalist. You’ll make better potions. You’ll be a better spell caster. Most importantly, you’ll have a better outlook on life.


The post How to use magic to manifest what you want in life? appeared first on Clairvoyantmagic.com.

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