Yes, you read the title correctly. I said Ogun love spell. Some of you are probably scratching your head, and thinking––Ogun? Isn’t He the orisha of war? Yes, he is, but Ogun is also a man’s man. He is the epitome of masculinity, honor, and strength. He takes care of his family, cherishes his wife, and will put his life on the line to protect his village. So, if you’re tired of dating deadbeats and losers, or you’re just about to give up on the dating scene all together, then this is the perfect spell for you.
How to find a good man?
I get a lot of women who come to me and ask me about finding a man. Many of them are a made to feel bad because they aren’t in a relationship. While others live with the guilt of not being in a relationship that is particularly fulfilling. In my honest opinion, I think that every single woman, is single because it is her choice. It may be a conscious choice, or subconscious choice. However, the results are still the same. In my other article, How to find the perfect soul mate? I wrote about the brilliance of our universe. I wrote that everything that you desire is already created. This means that your ideal partner, or perfect man already exists! You just need to have the energy to be able to manifest him into the physical world.
How to attract a good man?
I talked about the power of attraction and manifesting in my other article, How to use magic to manifest what you want in life? In that article, I talked about building your intuition. When you start to build your intuition, you begin to tap into the resources of Mother Nature. By doing this, you’re no longer dependent on generating your own power to manifest and conduct magic. You can then use the power that stems from Nature. When you understand Mother Nature’s cycle, and tap into the ebb and flow of nature, you will get enough power to manifest your desires. Sadly, many of us are not in tune with nature. While others, simply don’t have control of their own energy. In my other article, Why relationships don’t last? I talked about sexual energy souring, and thus deterring us from radiating the sexual energy necessary to attract good men into our lives.
How to find a good man and keep him?
The biggest problem that women have, is that they start to develop a scarcity mind-set. They believe that all of the good guys are married, gay, or in jail. They think that all guys are in the game and just want to hustle and use women. The truth of the matter is that you meet good guys every day. You meet men who are straight (yes contrarily to popular opinion most men are straight). And you’re constantly meeting people who are available and open to new relationships. There are a lot of dating specialist who talk about how you got to go out of your way to meet men. But there are women who meet men through friends and acquaintances, while traveling at work. Hell, I know women who’ve met good men at the gas station. The problem is not that you can’t meet people. The problem is that your blocked sexual energy is clouding your judgement and deterring you from meeting your ideal mate.
How to find a good man to marry?
So what does Ogun have to do with all of this? Well, back in our ancestors’ day. Men had to go through an incredibly rigorous Rites of Passage. In fact, men had to work incredibly hard to become a man. The rites of passage, involved them leaving their mothers and sisters for a long period of time. They would then gather at a very sacred place where they learned how to fight. They were punched and kicked, and sadly, the weak ones were beaten almost to death. They had to hunt, and didn’t eat until they were able to bring back their own game. The Rites of Passage were overseen by Ogun. It was Ogun who made sure that a boy turned into a man. A man who understood hunger, pain, and abuse. By a man understanding all of these things, he could make sure that his wife, mother, and sisters would never have to experience the same suffering or endure the same level of pain.
So what you’re going to do is reach out to Ogun. Ask him to send you a powerful, strong, good man. But you got to be open to it. Don’t do this ritual if you haven’t cleaned up your shit. You will be insulting Ogun and wasting everyone’s time. So before you do this ritual, go back and watch Why relationships don’t last. Be aware of your baggage and work on your sexual energy. Also, do not petition Ogun while your own your period. Ogun views the menstrual cycle as blood of the unborn. He simply won’t work with you in that state.
- Ogun’s day is Wednesday. Be sure to set up on altar for him.
- Ogun’s altars are normally maintained in a cabinet or closet
- It is best to buy a three legged cauldron. Fill the cauldron with pieces of metal, and miniature ritual tools.
- Make offerings to Ogun. He enjoys red candles, cigars, rum, palm wine, and whisky
- You can cook him a meal on Wednesday. His likes spicy foods, roasted yams, red beans, red rice, and mangos.
- Write your petition to Ogun.
“Ogun, orisha of war and honor. Please open the doors to send me only the strongest men. Men who we both feel are worthy of my companionship.”
Good luck!
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