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How to do Black Magic While Healing?


I had to think long and hard before writing this article. I’ve written pieces like this before, only to get negative feedback, bad comments and thumbs down. It is almost like people want to learn how to do black magic, but they don’t want to understand the mechanics of it. Magic, whether black or white is more like a science and should be approached respectively. So that’s why I am going to try this again. Only, I will give you some background information about magic, and on how to cast black magic spells.


  • There is no such thing as bad or good.

It is important to understand that the concept of dualities is really a modern, Western theory. Magic and healing is cast using the laws of nature, which supersedes that of man. So really, there is no such thing as good or bad. The only thing that a healer is focused on is the final outcome. The idea of the individual is also a modern day concept. The concept of the individual has allowed people to use black magic for their own self-gain. However, black magic should always be performed based on the consciousness of oneness, “an unified all.”


  • Black magic is a form of negative energy that degrades because of gravity.

If you jump out of your second story window, you’ll hit the ground, hard. If you leave meat out for too long, it will go bad. If you don’t take care of your skin, it will harden and wrinkle from age. Energy in its most minute form consists of atoms, with particles that emit positive and negative charges. It is the balance of these charges that springs about life, good health, and evolution. However, if an atom has too many negative charges, it becomes toxic, destructive, and volatile. This process happens when particles with positive charges are taken away or leaves the nucleus. This process changes the atom and causes it to decay.


  • You can see this process happening with cancer.


Cancer starts with just one cell misbehaving. Atoms inside of the cell become unbalanced. This causes a miscommunication between the cells and the body and mind. Worse yet, these cells tend to multiply by infecting other healthy cells, which results in the spread of cancer. So doctors would actually use chemotherapy, a form of radiation to kill those cells. Radiation of course, is a form of toxic energy. However, the end result is to kill cancer cells, so that the body can be restored.


  • This same concept applies to black magic.


Black magic is used to destroy negative entities that are misbehaving inside of the body. Ideally, a shaman or healer would go in and destroy these things, before they manifest into a physical disease. They do this, by attacking the shadow side of the self, which psychologist calls the unconscious mind. Or, what Eckhart Tolle calls the pain body.


  • What is the pain body?


The pain body is a depository for negative emotions, suppressed ideas, and traumatic pain. The pain body works unconsciously and it feeds on pain in order to maintain its existence. The pain body is mostly doormat, but once it is triggered, it can wreck havoc on your life and others. It rises up, consumes you, and causes you to inflict pain on others. Or, you develop the innate desire to be in pain. Of course, our ancestors called the pain body, negative spirits, demons, or entities. So they would work to heal the body, by performing black magic rituals, also called exorcisms in Christianity, to heal the body and bring it back to its original state.


  • Magicians use the pain body to cast their black magic spells.


Black magic is called black magic, because it deals with the unconscious side, or shadow side of self. In many cases, skilled practitioners use the dark side of the psyche (the pain body) to manipulate and control others. In fact, most black magic spells trigger the doormat emotions and pain that are stored in the pain body. This is why, it is so important to not only be aware of the pain body, but also work to heal the suppressed thoughts and emotions that are buried there.


  • Healers use black magic to heal, much like doctors use radiation to treat cancer patients.


The whole concept of magic works on a premise called creative destruction, refer to Why are There so Many Religious Symbols in The Walking Dead, to learn more about this theory. It works on the premise that something needs to be destroyed, before something else can be created. Of course, the destruction process is painful, especially when dealing with repressed and buried emotions. However, this ritual below should help you with the process:


  1.   To get a better understanding of the pain body, read Eckhart Tolle’s book, The Power of Now and The New Earth.

2.  Prepare your body by doing some type of holistic cleanse


  1. Take Epsom salt baths, be sure to immerse your head fully in the water


  1. Wear a white gown and head wrap when going to bed.


  1. Get four glasses, fill them with water, put two glasses on one side of the bed and two on the opposite side.


  1. Say prayers if needed. If you’re Christian you can reach out to Jesus Christ. Ask Him to heal of the pain body.


  1. If you are familiar with the chakras you can focus on opening up the crown chakra.


The whole point is to set the intentions at night. This process allows your body to clean itself of while you sleep (body recharges and cleanse itself while sleeping). This way, you will not have to go through the arduous task of facing all the pain that is buried deep in the body. This is by no means, an easy way to clean. You still have to do the hard work and face pain and trauma. However, this process is a great way to get started.



The post How to do Black Magic While Healing? appeared first on Clairvoyantmagic.com.

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