I did a lot of research when preparing for this video. I checked out my man Dr. Phil, who always gives practical advise. I checked out a few articles from Your Tango and Men’s Health, yes, some more practical advise. However, there was no one talking about the spiritual aspects of a relationship, and why marriages fail. I suppose no one has a real answer, that’s probably why the divorce rate is so high. However, I wanted to create a video that has worked for many of my clients in the past. It is a video about the 7 Essene Mirrors. Couples can use this esoteric knowledge to not only save their marriage, but also have deeper more intimate relationships with their partners. Here’s how:
- What are the 7 Essene Mirrors?
The people we attract are mirroring what’s happening in our lives. We attract bad spouses, terrible bosses, and even unruly pets. We bring all of these things into our lives to teach us lessons, or to help us see the things that are buried in the unconscious mind or shadow side of self.
- Love is a form of power that comes from God.
There are two types of relationships. There are relationships that are strictly on the physical level. These relationships are extremely superficial and are just about survival. People in these types of relationships believe that it’s easier to just stay together because of finances, kids, work, and reputation. They put on the proper façade, not wanting anyone to know that they are miserably married. Then, you have the other types of relationships. These relationships are totally rare because they come from God. Now, it is possible for relationships to start out on a Godly level, but because of the earthly plane, this powerful vibration known as love, begins to degrade.
- First mirror reflects to us who we are.
We’ve all seen the couples that are walking and talking stereotypes. We’ve seen the co-dependents matched up with the narcissist (that’s me). We’ve seen the abusers matched up with victims, and we’ve seen the enablers matched up with social paths and takers. So why does this happen? Why do we continue this negative people pattern that is completely dysfunctional? It happens because we are attracting people when we are at our weakest state. So we attract people, to help us learn a lesson, but we can’t because we simply aren’t strong enough. We need love to heal. Sadly, in many situations, the partners that we choose aren’t able to give it to us, so we have to get that love from somewhere else.
Create a daily ritual where you get up in the morning and focus on love. You can engage in prayer and meditation. However, it is important to understand that a daily love routine is as important as your morning cup of coffee and shower.
- Second mirror reflects the things that we judge.
I know, judging is really a form of human nature. We have to make judgments to protect ourselves. However, when we start judging other people, we are really telling on ourselves. Judgments reveal our own insecurities. When we believe that someone is incompetent and say “she doesn’t know what she’s talking about,” the truth of the matter is that we don’t know what we are talking about. The old saying goes that whenever you point the finger at someone else, you have four fingers pointing back at you. Judgments make you feel uneasy because there are obstacles and issues in your life that needs to be resolved.
Be mindful of judgments. Be sure to keep a journal and right down all the things that bother you about your spouse. Then, ask yourself. Do you engage in the kind of activities that you loathe so much? Or, is there something holding you back, (lack of self confidence), that is causing you to not move forward. The best thing to do is work out these issues by yourself, and then later, you may approach your spouse.
- Third mirror reflects all things that have been lost, stolen, given away or taken away.
This tends to be the primary reason, why the man, or the woman, would cheat in a relationship. Now, I sincerely believe that people can be happily married and still cheat. The reason for this is that people are constantly looking to get back the things that they have lost, had stolen, or had taken away—particularly when they were children. For example, if a man had to spend his childhood babysitting his younger siblings. He may become resentful to his parents for robbing him of his childhood. Furthermore, he will be attracted to any woman who reminds him of the things that he lost. So when he sees this woman who is open, free, innocent, and childlike, he is going to be drawn to her like a moth to a flame. The soul is going to work hard to balance itself out. It will work to heal itself by attracting what it needs to grow. However, a married man or woman may not be able to accept it because they’re in a committed relationship.
Figure out why you’re attracted to this person. Do they remind you of something, or someone that you’ve had taken from you? If so, who? What can you do to heal this part of your soul that is badly damaged. Once you’ve identified this, you can then talk to your spouse and ask him/her for help.
- The Fourth Mirror reflects your forgotten love.
Oh this one is a big one. We subconsciously compare our first love with all subsequent lovers. If we don’t compare them to our first love; then we compare them to a prototype that we have in our heads. This is dangerous, because the prototype is an illusion. Furthermore, our first love is no longer the person we remember them as. Making a comparison between your spouse and your mental prototype, and making comparisons between your spouse and your first love, is like comparing apples and oranges. They are two totally different things.
Comparisons create unrealistic expectations that are almost impossible for our spouses to live up to. Instead, focus on accepting them for who and what they are. Of course, you may want them to be better. But it is important that you make them better for them, not for you!
- Fifth mirror reflects back to you the behaviors of your fathers and mothers.
It is often said that we marry people who are like our parents. Research has now concluded that behaviors and even memories are stored in our DNA and then passed down to our offspring. This is a scientific process known as epigenetics. Once a behavior is embedded in your DNA, it is very difficult to change, because the behavior becomes instinctual.
Recognize the patterns. Are you arguing like your parents did? Is it helpful? Can you come up with a better solution to your problems? What was it that bothered you about your parents? Do you see those patterns erupting in your marriage?
- Sixth mirror reflects the darkness of the soul.
The healing aspects of all relationships involve facing our fears, the darkness that is inside of our souls. A lot of times we are afraid to speak up, because we are terrified that we might lose love, respect or power. We need to understand that in relationships, we must sacrifice our power, our vulnerability, our time, in order to gain a harmonious relationship.
Write down what you are most afraid of? Are you afraid of confronting your spouse out of fear that you might lose the love that you receive from him/her? If so, continue with your daily love meditations and talk to him/her only when you are completely ready.
- Seventh mirror reflects back to us our self-perception.
We tell others how we want to be treated. If we have low self-esteem and are not aware of the value that we bring to relationships, then we will become walking talking doormats. However, self-perception is not just about how you feel about yourself. It is about your own sense of personal power. Power plays a pivotal role in virtually all relationships, particularly marriages. And you must learn to manage this power in order to create sustainability.
The post How to Save Your Marriage Using the 7 Essene Mirrors? appeared first on Clairvoyantmagic.com.