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How to cast a magic spell using a Merkaba Meditation?


In my other videos, I explained how we as Mystics help people with the manifesting process. We are manifestors, not miracle workers. Miracles arise as a result of someone investing in the manifesting process. From this video, people believed that they had to go through this arduous manifesting process. They mistakenly believed that it would take a long time before things before they would be able to see results in magic. However, this is far from the truth. In this video, I am going to show you can get magic to manifest faster using this merkaba meditation.



Warning: This video is incredibly technical. So, it’s okay if you don’t understand it the first time. Just keep watching it, and the information will begin to crystalize.



White magic spells vs Black Magic Spells


I’ve been around the block, and I always cringe when people talk about black magic being associated with evil, and white magic being associated with goodness and enlightenment. I personally believe that this way of thinking is a result of racism. The whole black magic vs white is also applied to different magical practices. Earth based religions such as Santeria, and Wicca, are considered lower forms of religions. While other practices and religions such as astrology and Christianity are considered higher forms of religions. Well, here’s the dirty little secret. It’s all the same damn thing!


How to cast a real magic spell?


The energies just take different forms as they expand across different densities within the Universe. Earth, consist of frozen matter, mostly because there is a gravitational force that pulls matter together. The best way to explain this is to think about pouring water into an ice-trey. You put it into your freezer, and after a certain amount of time the water is frozen into the ice-trey. Then, water becomes frozen matter. So, what happens on the earthly plane, is that gravity is pulling different energetic forces together and freezing them so they become frozen matter. Our bodies are frozen matter, our cars are frozen matter, the desk that you’re sitting in, is frozen matter. So, when you start work with the deities such as the Goddess, The Lwa, or the Orisha, they have a physical appearance, because on the earthly plane, they have taken the shape of frozen matter. So, when you work with deities from the earthly plane, you’re pulling energy exclusively from this plane.


How to do black magic spells that work?


Now, I want you to imagine taking those ice-cubes out of the freezer and putting them into a pot on a stove. Imagine turning the heat all the way up to high. What you’ll find, is that the ice will begin to melt. The water will then begin to become a liquid. When the ice becomes a liquid, it is free flowing, and can mold to anything that contains it. Our bodies are mostly water, the earth that we live on is mostly water. Most importantly,  the universe is covered in the liquid form known as dark matter. When we are in this density, we take the form of the spirit. The spirit possession describes the process of a spirt molding into a physical form. This is how the spirit of the Lwa, the Orisha, or the Goddess can mount you. You can even be mounted by different spirits and entities. Just think of the spirit being the water, and your physical body being the ice-trey.




How to do a real magic spell?


Now, let’s say that you leave the pot on the stove longer than what you anticipated. What happens? The water becomes a gas. It evaporates and rises up as a steam. This is when the energy shifts from the earthly plane, to the spiritual plane of dark matter, back to the universal density. This is the density that dominates the soul. This is the density that represents your higher self, and the sacred part of you that never dies. This is the density that is ruled by the planets and stars. The study of the movement of the stars is known as a science, or to some people a pseudo-science. How does astrology work? It works much like other divination systems. It studies and records all human behavior on earth. Then, it begins to predict certain future events, based on previous behaviors and events. Yes, astrology works very much like the mathematical science of statistics. So, in a nutshell, when you get into astrology, or any divination system, it tells you the probability of a certain event occurring.



How to do magic using the merkaba meditation?


So now, you’re probably thinking, how in the hell do I cast this magic spell? Well, the one thing about energy, is that it is not exclusive to just one density. In fact, energy, in its smallest forms can be in more than one location or density at a time. So how do you get your magic to work almost instantly? You do it by aligning the energies in all three densities. This in fact, what the Merkaba represents. It is an old an ancient symbol that is used in both magic and witchcraft, for it lines up the densities and opens up the portal to the worlds, of the spirit, human body, and soul. The merkaba is a rotating symbol that extends into all of these densities, creating total alignment. What happens when you have total alignment? Synchronicity. Ascension. Miracles. Total alignment between the soul, body, and spirit will amount to your spells working almost instantly. Here’s how:


  1. Buy a Star of David Table cloth from amazon.
  2. Place three with candles in the center and at the tip of the star.
  3. Visualize your soul, body, and spirit as separate entities.
  4. Then, visualize all three elements coming together as one.
  5. Do it and hold your concentration for as long as possible.
  6. Afterwards, write out your petition and place it on the altar with the day that you intend on it manifesting.
  7. Act as if your petition is already answered.


The post How to cast a magic spell using a Merkaba Meditation? appeared first on Clairvoyantmagic.com.

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