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How to cast a fall back in love, Goddess love spell? 


I recently got a request from a subscriber, who asked about neglect and heartbreak. She wanted to know how to build resiliency and open up your heart again, after you’ve been abandoned, abused, or was unloved as a child. So I decided to put together a ritual from all women who have suffered greatly in past relationships. This ritual is for women who are afraid of opening up their heart again. It is for women, who fear that the risk of being hurt again, isn’t worth the reward of falling in love. Since, today and tomorrow are both magical days. I wanted to create a ritual for all my sisters, who want to love again.


Giving up on love


Firstly, I would like to say that every woman has experienced some form of trauma. It’s just life. Naturally, there are some women who have experienced more than others. However, the trauma is exceptionally detrimental when we experienced this pain when we were children.  The relationship that we have with our parents, reflects the relationships that we are going to have with our future partners. They not only protect us, nurture us, teach us important life lessons, they give us other types of energies that make us feel whole. Without these energies, we are subject to the vicissitudes of a cruel and merciless world. Women who grow up, without receiving this loving energy, tend to recoil into a protective shell, closing themselves off to love for good.


How to fall out of love?


Now, I believe that it is not just motherless daughters, like myself, that have closed themselves off from love. I believe that women as a collective conscious have been closed off from love. We women, are all motherless daughters. For we have been disconnected from our source, the divine feminine, the goddess, as a result of this, we don’t understand our power, or our bodies.  Now, we just settle for superficial relationships, without actually striving to inspire our men and young children.


How to fall back in love using the divine feminine essence?


Without the divine feminine, we are left to believe that we are less than whole. More importantly, we are left to believe that love is something that is outside of ourselves. I can’t tell you how many women come to me and tell me that, they want to be loved. They want to be married. They want to be cuddled and cared for. I don’t know how to tell these women, that they are love. How do I explain to them that they have to first create those strong emotions of love, inside of themselves first? By doing this, the man will begin to feed off her emotions. He will desire her, love her, work to meet virtually all of her needs. Why? He will do this because she is a conduit who is channeling the loving energy of God.


How to make someone fall in love with you?


As women, we fail to understand that our bodies are so incredibly strong. We can have children, feed them from our breast, and heal them with the touch of our loving hands. We fail to understand that this loving energy can heal virtually any wound. Our loving energy can dispel our children’s negative energy, and loving energy is enough to sustain us above all else. So the motherless, abandoned, beaten child, is disconnected from the very source that can make her powerful.


Falling out of love with husband!


Friday the 13th was traditionally known as the day of the Goddess. It was a day where women gathered and celebrated their strength and sensuality Today, you’re going to do the same. You’re going to celebrate the goddess. By doing this, you will be able to tap into this current, tap into their strength, and channel the loving energy that you need to feel alive again. So instead of saying that I want to be loved. We need to start saying that we are love. We are the divine feminine. We as women, can tap into the highest vibration in the world. Love exist in all dimensions, in all parallel realities, and operates at the highest frequency. So here’s what you’re going to do to tap into this energy.


How long does it take to fall back in love?


I am always amazed when I see women tap into their power. They appear to change almost overnight.  Hell, they even look different. They lose weight and radiate a certain type of elegance and confidence that other women simply don’t have.


So everyone knows, that I am not the most tactical person. I do magic with my mind. It’s muscle that I’ve built over the years. However, on Friday the 13th I am going to give you the same ritual that I am going to do for myself and my clients.


  1. Get a bouquet of mixed flowers(roses).  You can use the bouquet from the other goddess shapeshifting spell if you want to.
  1. You can place 13 candles around the bouquet. The candles can be tea light candles, or regular candles. These colors include: yellow, orange, pink, and red.
  1. Write out the petition, I want to be love. By saying this words, you opening yourself up the Universe’s divine energy.
  1. You can end the ritual the next day, by getting up in the morning and being in gratitude. Give thanks, and pretend like your wish has already been granted.



The post How to cast a fall back in love, Goddess love spell?  appeared first on Clairvoyantmagic.com.

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